Mac Attack Fanfic Awards

The place for nominating, voting, and eventually see the winners of the first Mac Attack Fanfic Awards. Fanfic awards that honor the great writers of Mac from the tv show JAG.

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Location: Arizona, United States


Best Author

Best Author/Most Improved

1. Manette
2. Lauraloo
3. LobsterDoc
4. TR
5. Karen
6. CLK
7. Incatnito
9. Mary
10. Felicia Ferguson
11. Celia Stanton
12. Catmom
13. Selena
14. Raindrops on Roses
15. Barb Moore
16. SMKLegacy
17. Annie
18. Morgaine
19. Ava
20. Soleil
21. mkim
22. JAG Junkie
23. Doc
24. LRM
25. Tez
26. Carol
27. Michi
28. Jared Chapman


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize this was done ages ago (and somehow I never knew) but I just wanted it on the record that I co-wrote the Winter Wonderland series with Celia Stanton.


Nicole Berman

4:56 PM  

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